Tuesday, October 20, 2009

EdTech Talk---Professional Development through Webcasting!

So after my adventure in trying to get an understandable definition for folksonomy, I got side tracked looking at Del.icio.us. I've never done "social bookmarking," but I do bookmark websites/links that I want to keep as a reference in my favorites. I found the EdTech Talk website under an education tag. It's a wealth of information on exactly what we are trying to study for this course. Teachers go on and post blogs, do webcasts, and post information on technologies that are used in the classroom.

I got sucked into listening to a podcast about Digital Writing Workshop. There were several teachers on this podcast who explained how they are getting their kids to use technology towards their own writing. One teacher explained how she uses "track changes" when she edits students' papers. She also downloads audio for her studnets to listen to if there is a bigger concept she wants to clarify in the mistakes she's seeing on students' writing pieces. One of the interesting things about this podcast is teachers who are listening in can actually type in questions and send them in while the podcast is being broadcasted.

I think this website is a great source for teachers who are in that phase of digital migration. I also like the open forum type setting. You get this feeling that everyone involved is there to help you close the gap on your own technology learning curve.

Here's the link if you'd like to take a look!


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